Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to pitch a deal

by François Ortalo-Magné, Department Chair, Professor and Robert E. Wangard Chair of Real Estate

I was recently in New York where I had the opportunity to meet with alumni Marc Warren (BBA '85), president of Linear Realty Capital. Among other things, we talked about the soft skills that our students need to complement their analytical skills. Marc suggested a short video from entrepreneur David Rose on how to pitch a deal. I like the content, and the fact that he makes me sound like a slow talker. His advice applies to many more contexts than just the specifics of pitching to a VC (e.g., see the recommendation at minute 13:00).

Watch the TED Talks video and share your thoughts below.



  1. It's amazing how much doesn't change over time...this pitch strategy works 50 years ago and works today. But, the technology has changed so much even since this TED talk was filmed (1997)--think about how to leverage technology to make your pitch even more investment worthy!!
    --Laura Knepper

  2. Great, concise presentation. Gives me a project for this upcoming year.
